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Wills & Estate Consultation Preparation Questions

Wills Retainer v2
Do you live in Australia?
This service is only available for people living in Australia and who are over the age of 18.
What is your relationship status?
Do you have any children?
Do you have any pets?
Do you want to include a charity/organisation in your will?
Do you want to exclude anyone from your will?
Whilst you can split your estate however you wish, you should keep in mind that financial dependents (such as your spouse, kids or ex partners) may have a claim to part of your estate, and excluding them may result in conflict.
This service is only available for people living in Australia and who are over the age of 18.
Residential Address
Residential Address
Postal Address
Postal Address


This is a person or organisation that will carry out the instructions in your Will.
Is this be your primary executor?
Select "Joint Primary" if you want to have more than one executor; otherwise choose "Primary".
Use "Backup" if you want this person to be your executor if the primary executor(s) have passed away.

Beneficiaries (Children / Other Persons that will inherit your estate)

Keep it 0 if you do not wish for this person to have a share in your estate, or if you are gifting all of your assets.
Who would you like to inherit their share if they die before you?

Organisations and Charities

Who would you like to inherit this gift(s), if this charity or organisation is no longer around?

Exclusions (Who do you want to leave out of your will)

Although you are able to split your estate however you wish, you should keep in mind that financial dependents (such as your spouse or kids) may have a claim to part of your estate, and excluding them may result in conflict.
IMPORTANT: This exclusion may not entirely exclude this person if they should contest the will. A more effective way to prevent a challenge is to structure your assets in such a way that there is no estate to challenge. This would occur if the will-maker had structured their affairs in such a way as to own few, if any, assets at the date of death. Assets that are owned jointly, or that have been transferred to a trust or other beneficiaries while the will-maker is still alive will be out of reach for any claimants against the estate. While very effective as a protection against potential claims, this strategy can involve significant taxation consequences and may not be suitable from a financial perspective.


Let's make sure your pets are looked after.
Do you want to appoint a carer for your pets?
Do you want to allocate funds for the care of your pets?
Do you have any real estate?

Real Properties

Time to add your properties...
Property Address
Property Address
What type of assets do you want to include in your will?
Adding assets here will help the executor identify and locate the things that make up your estate. Think about the ‘big’ things you own. Don’t worry about listing your couch (unless it’s a really good one), the executor will take those things into account already. This is just to give them a head start and to make sure they don’t miss anything important. For your superannuation and life insurance policy, you will need to make a binding death nomination with your fund or policy holder to properly dispose of these assets.
Do you have any liabilities such as home loans or credit card debts?
Select all applicable liability types
What kind of funeral would you like?
These instructions will be given to your executor to help guide them, but they are not binding.
This includes any wishes you have for the day, such as song requests, specific speakers or even catering requirements
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Stuck on a question? Don’t fret. Answer best you can and we will discuss it in our wills consultation.