Our solicitor, Mr. Wissam Philopos, represented a young man at the Downing Centre Local Court in relation to a serious matter for which our client risked serving a custodial sentence.
Our client was charged with Common Assault (‘first charge’) and Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm While In Company (‘second charge’). It was alleged that the second charge occurred “in company” with a security guard.
In relation to the Common Assault charge, contrary to the allegation, our client was in fact acting in self-defence of a friend. Moreover, he was not acting “in company” in relation to the second charge.
In accordance with our client’s instructions, Mr. Philopos made representations in the matter, proposing that the second charge be withdrawn and replaced with a fresh charge of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (not in company). Mr. Philopos also proposed the first charge was included on a Form 1 attached to the fresh charge. Ultimately, our representations were accepted by the NSW Police.
Mr. Philopos and our team at Jameson Law ensured that the charges accurately reflected the circumstances of the alleged offence and our client’s instructions. Moreover, his representation in court resulted in our client being sentenced to a Community Corrections Order with standard conditions to be of good behaviour for a period of 18 months, as an alternative to imprisonment. This was a fantastic result for our client.
By thoroughly preparing our client’s case for sentence, the Magistrate found our client had excellent prospects of rehabilitation, despite having a poor criminal history.
This case illustrates the importance of quality representation and the value of experience. At Jameson Law, we care for our clients’ circumstances and will work hard to ensure each case is prepared and presented in a way that ensures the Court gives full effect to every factor in a client’s favour.”