Jameson Law Solicitor Wissam Philopos represented a 40-year old male at Parramatta Local Court on 9 March 2023 in relation to the clients Licence Suspension Appeal pursuant to the Road Transport Act 2013 (NSW) in relation to the following traffic infringements:
- Exceed speed limit by no more than 10 km/h whilst driving a motor vehicle (Camera Detected).
- Exceed speed limit by no more than 10 km/h whilst driving a motor vehicle (Camera Detected).
- Exceed speed limit by more than 10 km/h but not more ten 20 km/h whilst driving a motor vehicle (Camera Detected).
After failing his NSW drivers test in January 2023 our client continued to drive on an international licence for over 5 years. Eventually, our client obtained his NSW Drivers Licence and was advised that he would be suspended because of six active demerit points related to three camera detected speeding offences incurred between 2020 to 2022, while he was driving on his international licence.
Subsequently, our client received a letter from Transport for NSW advising that his NSW Driver licence will be suspended commencing 24 February 2023 for a period of three (3) months.
On appeal, our solicitor, Mr Philopos proceeded to give verbal submissions in support of the appeal. Mr Philopos tendered the following:
- An apology letter written by the client;
- A Character reference of the client;
- A letter from the client’s employer showing the need for the client to have his licence; and
- Certificate of completion of the Traffic Offenders Intervention Program.
Outcome Achieved-Appeal allowed.
After considering all of the material before the Court, the Magistrate found the client had a genuine need for his licence and was a fit and proper person to hold a NSW Driver licence and subsequently allowed the appeal against the decision of transport for NSW to suspend our clients licence.
This was a great result for both our client and our firm.