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Binding Financial Agreements

Binding Financial Agreements - Jameson Law

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In Australia, Binding Financial Agreements (BFAs) are legal contracts made between parties to a relationship, including de facto couples and married couples, that set out how their assets and financial resources will be divided if their relationship ends.

Here are some key points about BFAs in Australia:

Types of Binding Financial Agreements:

1. Pre-nuptial Agreements (pre-relationship agreements): Made before the parties enter into a marriage or de facto relationship.

2. Binding Financial Agreements: Made during a marriage or de facto relationship.

3. Separation Agreements: Made after the relationship has broken down.

Legal Framework:

BFAs are governed by the Family Law Act 1975. Sections 90B-90KA of the Act cover agreements made before or during marriage, and sections 90UB-90UN cover agreements for de facto relationships.

Requirements for Validity:

For a Binding Financial Agreement to be legally binding:  

Written Agreement: The BFA must be in writing.

Independent Legal Advice: Each party must receive independent legal advice from a lawyer about the effect of the agreement on their rights and about the advantages and disadvantages of entering into the agreement.

Signed and Certified: The agreement must be signed by all parties involved, and the lawyers must provide a signed statement that the advice was given. –

Full Disclosure: There should be full and frank disclosure of all assets, liabilities, and financial resources by both parties.

Voluntary: The agreement must be entered into voluntarily, without any duress or undue influence.

Benefits of BFAs:

Certainty: Provides clarity and certainty about the division of assets and financial arrangements.

Protection: Can protect assets acquired before the relationship or inheritance and gifts received during the relationship.

Cost and Time Efficient: Can save time and legal costs associated with court proceedings in the event of a relationship breakdown.

Potential Challenges:

Setting Aside: A court can set aside a BFA under certain circumstances, such as if it was obtained by fraud, if one party did not disclose material information, or if the agreement is deemed unconscionable.

Complexity: Drafting a BFA requires careful consideration and expert legal advice to ensure it meets all legal requirements and adequately protects the parties’ interests.

Legal Advice: It is crucial to seek independent legal advice when considering or drafting a BFA to ensure that it is legally binding and tailored to individual circumstances.

If you need more specific information or assistance, consulting a family lawyer in Australia would be the best course of action.

A Guide to Understanding and Navigating Binding Financial Agreements

What are Binding Financial Agreements?

A Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) is a written document that outlines how a couple’s assets will be divided in the event of a separation or divorce.BFAs are also known as pre-nuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements, or financial agreements. They are designed to provide certainty and clarity on how property and financial resources will be divided.BFAs can be entered into before, during, or after a marriage or de facto relationship.

Types of Binding Financial Agreements

Pre-nuptial agreements: entered into before a marriage or de facto relationship.Post-nuptial agreements: entered into during a marriage or de facto relationship.Financial agreements: can be entered into at any time, including after separation. De facto relationship agreements: apply to couples in a de facto relationship.

How Do Binding Financial Agreements Work?

A BFA allows a couple to agree on an acceptable division of assets in the event of a separation. The agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. Both parties must receive independent legal advice before signing the agreement. The agreement must meet the requirements of the Family Law Act.

Property Settlement

A BFA can specify how the parties have agreed to divide the asset pool in the event of a breakdown of the relationship. Property settlement can include real estate, investments, superannuation, and other assets. The agreement can also deal with financial resources, such as income and debts. A BFA can provide certainty and clarity on how property will be divided.

Benefits of Binding Financial Agreements

A BFA can provide certainty and clarity on how property and financial resources will be divided. It can reduce financial stress and costly legal expenses. A BFA can protect existing assets and provide financial support. It can also provide a timely solution to property settlement disputes.

Do I Need Legal Advice?

Yes, it is essential to receive independent legal advice before entering into a BFA. A lawyer can help you understand the implications of the agreement and ensure it meets the requirements of the Family Law Act. A lawyer can also help you negotiate the terms of the agreement.

What Happens if We Don’t Agree on a Property Settlement?

If you and your partner cannot agree on a property settlement, you can seek the assistance of a family dispute resolution service.If you still cannot agree, you can apply to the court for a financial order. A BFA can provide a framework for resolving property settlement disputes.

Time Limits for Entering into a Binding Financial Agreement

There are time limits for entering into a BFA, which vary depending on the circumstances. It is essential to seek legal advice to understand the time limits that apply to your situation.

Informal Agreements vs Binding Financial Agreements

An informal agreement is not legally binding and can be challenged in court. A BFA is a legally binding agreement that can provide certainty and clarity on how property and financial resources will be divided. A BFA is a more secure and reliable way to resolve property settlement disputes.

How to Get a Binding Financial Agreement

To get a BFA, you and your partner must agree on the terms of the agreement. You must both receive independent legal advice before signing the agreement. The agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. The agreement must meet the requirements of the Family Law Act.


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