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Author name: Cynthia Bachour-Choucair

Cynthia Bachour-Choucair is a Principal Solicitor with Jameson Law. She is an expert Personal Injury Lawyer with a true passion for the law. She heads the Personal Injury department overseeing all Motor Vehicle Accident, Abuse Claim, Victims Compensation, Workers Compensation, Medical Negligence, and Superannuation TPD & Income Protection Claim Matters. She also practices in Immigration, Family Law and General Litigation. She is most known for her comprehensive undisputable representations and case-winning submissions.

Cynthia Bachour-Choucair Desk
drink driving under influence PCA Sydney Lawyer

Section 10 And 6-Month Disqualification For High Range Drink Driving

Arrested for high range PCA driving Our client is a single mother from north-west Sydney was signalled to partake in a mobile breath test where she recorded a positive result. Her breath analysis later returned a result of 0.211, and she was subsequently arrested for high range PCA driving. She disclosed to the police that

Section 10 And 6-Month Disqualification For High Range Drink Driving Read More »

10 traffic offence questions asked by motorbike riders

What our traffic lawyers Sydney are asked about speeding offences Was riding along the Cumberland Highway towards Liverpool and a highway patrol camping just after the overpass at Smithfield clocked me at exceeding the speed limit, whilst I was to the right-hand side of a car traveling quicker than I was (as he overtook me).

10 traffic offence questions asked by motorbike riders Read More »

oh my god, horrified, angry


Public Nuisance Public nuisance is an unlawful act or omission which endangers the lives, safety, health,, property or comfort of the public or by which the public are obstructed in the exercise or enjoyment of any right common to all: Kent v Johnson (1973) To establish prima facie case of public nuisance, a private individual

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What is Criminal Law

What happens in Criminal matters?

What happens in Criminal Matters? The Criminal Procedure Act is a New South Wales legislation and accordingly, the Criminal procedure is not a Commonwealth uniform procedure and therefore different in every state. The Criminal Procedure Act sets out how Criminal Law matters should be managed. All Jameson Law’s Criminal Law Solicitors are well aware of the Criminal procedures and how the Criminal justice

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